The meaning of AVINCIS
Our wines are produced on our family domain. This is the first meaning.
- A is the initial of our daughter’s name, Andreea, and of our nephews’ names, Andrei and Alexandru.
- V comes from Valeriu, my first name, and I comes from Irinel, my wife.
- The central word of the AVINCIS brand is VIN, meaning wine.
- The last three letters, CIS, are the initials of my wife’s full name: Cristiana Irinel Stoica. She is entitled to this privilege because the VILA DOBRUSA family domain was inherited from her family.
The second meaning comes from the association of the AVINCIS brand with the latin verb „vinco, vincere” — to win. In other words, the person tasting our wines will overcome all difficulties and will enjoy only victories.
The third and not less important meaning comes also from a sound resemblance: the French word „vainqueur” can also be understood as „vin coeur”, „wine of the heart”.
The AVINCIS wines are good for the hearts of all the people faithful to them.
In short, wines produced by our family, for your heart with witch you will win all battles.
Valeriu Stoica