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Launching of the book « A HISTORY OF THE WINE IN ROMANIA » at the Byzantine Library in Bucharest

The launching of the book called « A HISTORY OF THE WINE IN ROMANIA » edited by Curtea Veche at the end of 2013 written by the critic and literary historian, Razvan Voncu, reunited once again the lovers of literature and good wine.

The event was held at the Byzantine Library, a space of high spirituality, where the host of the event, Mr. Dan C. Mihăilescu talked to the evening’s guests Mr. Razvan Voncu, the author of the book but also Mr. Valeriu Stoica and Mrs. Cristiana Stoica – the owners of the « Vila Dobrusa » vineyard, from Dragasani.

During two hours, the guests discussed about literature, wine in literature and about AVINCIS wines which were tasted : Crâmpoșie Selecționată 2012, Sauvignon Blanc 2011 – BORANGIC, Pinot Noir 2011 and Cabernet Sauvignon 2012.